Dr. Fauci mysteriously knew of this surprise outbreak gee how convenient how he knew this in 2017!! just another false flag no different than 9/11. if this was any other company and any other product the ceo and top executives would be in jail or house arrest awaiting trial and product would be pulled from shelves and factories shut down....cdc has a patent on covid which means one of two things they engineered this strain or they patented a natural organism both are illegal, and cdc holds patent on test kits and everything involved with covid. nothing suspicious there, and just happens to end up in wuhan because bat lady lives there? cdc has enough money to invite her here to do research in the usa with stricter regulations, oh but wait isnt that the real reason we sent it there? to work on spike proteins in a vaccine and gain of function for bio-weaponizing the covid strain in a country that has less stricter regulations? this is just another experiment one of many nasty ones the cdc has green lighted over the years since its inception that have done experiments against peoples will, knowledge or consent to the experiment. the fake vaccine is the experiment. cdc has green lighted many experiments over the years on humans without consent or knowledge of an experiment if they didnt straight up lie to the people such as they did in tuskagee syphilis experiment in which they told hundreds to possibly thousands of black men they would be given a free vaccine and money to monitor the effects of vaccine, in reality they gave them live syphilis cultures so they could monitor the effect stages rate of death and age groups killed , news flash they all died horrible deaths... no one would have even found out until a research group from cdc wanted to exhume the bodies years later to study if it stayed in bones after death... and when people wanted to know why they wanted to dig up grand parent or father and were given no real info, a class action lawsuit was filed and they had to find out through discovery. the red flag should have been bill gates as the poster child from day one of this bullshit, has zero medical degree, is a eugenicists that believe in world depopulation through vaccination (his words) and has funded many similar experiments through bill and malinda gates foundation in which they were physically kicked out of india for pushing gardasil garbage. c.d.c...dr fraudci, bill and malinda gates, w.h.o, and the u.n and makers of this fake vaccine that does nothing to protect against wont get rid of covid if you already have it and wont protect against the spread of it,should all be brought up on bio-terrorism charges and hung and sued into the ground to send a message to future generations that want to commit crimes against humanity and medical fraud.



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